The final shape of a textile structure is directly dependent on the internal forces in the tensioned membrane. The process known as form finding, a term specific to the field of textile architecture, makes it possible to establish the optimal relationship between shapes and forces. It takes into account stress and deformation factors of external forces and loads such as wind or snow in order to determine the best possible balance of structure and aesthetics.
For the formfinding process we use the software EASY, which is composed of several modules.
EasyForm – Configuration of a tensioned surface to assess the geometry of membranes by considering the conditions defined by the user.

EasyStat – At this stage, the properties of the membranes are integrated into the analysis as well as all the parameters to consider (snow, wind, ice) in order to study inner stresses and deformations of the membrane under different cases of loading. The aim is to check the stability of the tensioned membrane.

EasyCut – This module uses the three-dimensional model of the tensioned membrane generated during the previous stage to make cutting patterns for the engineered membrane. These plans are made very precisely in order to reproduce exactly the membrane geometry studied to achieve a balanced shape.